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"Efficiency Tests on a Linear Parabolic Concentrator for Medium and High Temperatures", Heliotechnique and Development, vol. 2, p. 53, edited by Development Analysis Associates Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (USA) and Proceedings of the COMPLES International Conference, Dhahran (Saudi Arabia)
"Efficiency Tests on a Prototype of Linear Parabolic Concentrator for the Conversion of Solar Energy into Heat at Medium and High Temperatures", CIRAES Progress Report 1, University of Calabria, Cosenza (Italy)
"Efficiency Tests on a Diathermic Oil Flowing through a Linear Boiler on the Axis of a Cylindrical Parabolic Concentrator", Proceedings of the Conference on the Physics of Solar Energy, held in Benghazi (Lybia) and published by the Arab Development Institute, Tripoli (Lybia)
"Computer Simulation of the Performances of a Solar Power Plant of Linear Parabolic Concentrators with a Tracking System at Different Latitudes", Proceedings of the Conference on the Physics of Solar Energy, held in Benghazi (Lybia)
"Simulazione delle Prestazioni di una Centrale Solare a Collettori Parabolici Uniassici dotati di Sistema di Orientamento ad un Grado di Libertà", Rassegna Italiana di Eliotecnica, Sept., p. 39
"FISICA", book edited by Bulzoni, Roma
"Parabolic Solar Troughs for the Conversion of Solar Energy into Heat at Medium and High Temperatures", Italian Patent 49201 A/76, released by the Italian Ministry of Industry on April 26
"Shadows' Effects in a Solar Power Plant" Bulletin of the Italian Physics Society, p. 109
"Shadows' Effect in a Large Scale Solar Power Plant", Solar Energy, vol. 19, p. 759
"Thermal Regimes in a Primary Fluid Heated by Solar Energy in a Linear Collector", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 167
"Transient Temperature Variations in the Primary Network of a Solar Power Plant", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 185
"Coating Thickness Measurements by means of the Radioisotope X ray Fluorescence Technique", Isotopenpraxis, vol. 14., p. 382
"Preliminary Results on a New Simple Method for Solar Radiation Measurements", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 207
"Steady Flow Analysis of the Hydraulic Network in a Solar Power Plant", Proceedings of the 2nd Solar Forum, held in Hamburg, Germany and published by Technologie Transfer Systeme Dokumentation, Munchen (Germany)
"A Possible Solar Radiometer with Small Time Constant and High Accuracy", Proceedings of the «Colloque Internationale sur les Energies Nouvelles», Rabat (Maroc)
"L'Energia Solare", Sapere, Sept., p. 9
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"Un Sisteme Solaire a Capteurs Plans pour Pompage d'Eau", Revue Generale de Thermique, Dec., n. 216, p. 779
"Solar Linear Parabolic Concentrating Systems: Thermal, Optical and Hydrodynamical Aspects", Invited Paper, Segundo Simposio Internacional de Ingenieria: Tecnologia Appropriada para Paises Subdesarrollados, published by Universidad Centro Americana Editores, San Salvador (El Salvador)
"A Prototype of Solar Linear Concentrator Plant Installed to Supply Industrial Heat", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Silver Jubilee Congress, held in Atlanta, Georgia, and edited by Pergamon Press, Dublin (Ireland), vol. 2, p. 1046
"Numerical Simulation of Fluid Velocity and Temperature in a Solar Passive Collector", Proceedings of the XVIII International Association for Hydraulic Research Conference, Cagliari (Italy), vol. 3, p. 183
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"Per una Transizione al Solare", Acqua e Aria, june, p. 391
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"La Biomassa ed i Processi Microbiologici come Anello di Trasformazione della Radiazione Solare", Sviluppo, Dec., p. 79
"Molecular Properties and Elasticity of S A Phases", Journal de Physique, vol. 41, p. 365
"A Model of Turbulent Solar Induced Flows in Passive Air Collectors", Report 1980/3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St. Genese (Belgium)
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"A Natural Convection Solar House System", Plenary Lecture on «Heat Exchange and Solar Energy», Lecturee Series 1980/3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St. Genese (Belgium), VKI ed.
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"Natural Convection Solar Passive System", Italian Patent 48167 A/80, released by the Italian Ministry of Industry on Mar. 14
"Simulations and Experimental Performance of the Barra Costantini Solar Passive System", Proceedings of the Solar Energy Symposium: Experimental Research with Passive Solar Houses, Nice (France), Dec. 11-12
"The Barra Costantini Solar Passive System: Experimental Performance", Proceedings of the Building Energy Management International Congress, edited by Pergamon Press, Dublin (Ireland)
"Solar Passive Buildings already Existing or to be Built in the Italian Area with the Barra Costantini System", Invited Paper, at the 1st International Seminar on Bioclimatic Design, Catania (Italy), Feb. 25-28
"Two General Remarks on the Whole BC System Design Tools", Invited Paper, 1st International Seminar on Bioclimatic Design, Catania (Italy), Feb. 25-28
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"Solar Concentrators Sun tracking by Density Variations", il Nuovo Cimento
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"Energie, Architecture et Batiments", Lecture Notes, Book in French edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
"Energie, Agriculture et Biomasses", Lecture Notes, Book in French edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
"Matieres de Base I et II pour l'Expolitation des Sources d'Energie Nouvelles et Renouvelables", 2 volumes of Lecture Notes in French, edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
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"Solar Assisted Pig Sty Passive Thermoventilation: an On Going Project in Verona Supported by EEC", Proceedings of the «24th COMPLES International Conference», Verona (Italy), Sept.
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"A new large Size Helio-Climatic Simulator for Computer Assisted long term Monitoring of PV arrays and Modules", Proceedings of the «8th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition», Firenze (Italy)
"A passive thermo-photovoltaic hybrid system for climatic control and electrification of isolated buildings", Proceedings of the «1st Symposium Brazil-CEC on Solar Energy Technologies», Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil)
"A District Cooling System Based on Absorption Technology in a Refinery"
"Desing and Construction of a Cooling Plant Based on an Absorption Machine Fed with Superheated Water Produced by a Polyfuel Boiler"
"IGCC (Integrated Gassification Power Plants) from Heavy Oil, TAR, Coal and Biomass: A comparation Analysis"
"Photovoltaics: Current Status of the Technology Industry and Market, and a Strategy for European Industrial and Market Development to the Year 2005"
"Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant fed by the Varadero Oil in Cuba"
"«BRAIN» technology for telemonitoring of systems, plants and environment, energy and geoterritorial networks"
"Photovoltaics: Why, Where and When? Present and Likely Future Bottlenecks Analysis for a Sustainable Policy"
"The coast resource in Calabria: Recovery, Preservation and Compatible Industrial Development"
"Mapping of Environmental Risks: Modeling, Validation and Case Studies"
"Radon, an Urgent Environmental Problem: Fundamentals and Perspectives for Research and Engineering Activities", Wessex Institute of Technology Press, UK
"SAHARA – A Task Force for the Creation of a Consortium to set up a SoG-Si Production Plant"
"Sviluppo e Validazione di Modelli Fisico-Matematici per la Determinazione del Condensato di Fumo di Sigarette"
"Radon concentration in Central-Southern Italy buildings: large size experimental campaigns & correlation modelling", Proceedings of the Environmental Health Risk 2001 Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK
"Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) as a Remediation for EHR Reduction", Proceedings of the Environmental Health Risk 2001 Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK
"PIBE - Integrated Platform Biowastes & Energy - for the disposal of agro-zootechnical-industrial biowastes and for electricity production
"Easy Wireless" Allow seamless roaming between wireless networks while maintaining Quality of Service
"ELF@SMARTHOME" Easy Life @ Smart Home
" MAGELLAN" Multimedia Application Gateways for Enterprice Level LANs
Barra O.A. e Moretti L. "The 'Life Potential': a new complex algorithm to assess 'Heart Rate Variability' from Holter records for cognitive and diagnostic aims, ARXIV 1310.7230v2, Nov 6th (2013)
Barra O.A. e Moretti L. “The ‘Life Potential’: a new complex algorithm to assess ‘Heart Rate Variability’ from Holter records for cognitive and diagnostic aims, ARXIV 1310.7230v2, Nov 6th (2013)
Barra O.A. e Giordano G. “Effects of some Class IC antiarrhythmic drugs on the human heart rate variability (HRV): a new original methodology to evaluate effectiveness and contraindications of a biochemical compound on the human health. Preliminary Results, MOJ BIO-ORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2018; 2(2):104?110.
Barra O.A. e Moretti L. “HEART RATE VARIABILITY: Il Punto di Vista del Fisico-Matematico”, CONGRESSO ANNUALE AIAC (Associazione Italiana Aritmologia e Cardiologia) MARCHE: “Novità sui Grandi Temi dell’Aritmologia”, Ascoli Piceno 14 Ottobre 2017
Barra O.A. “La Metodologia HRV per la Diagnosi Precoce delle Encefalopatie Complesse”, Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri di Reggio Calabria: “Encefalopatie da Prioni”, Reggio Calabria 19 Ottobre 2019
Barra O.A. “La Variabilità della Frequenza Cardiaca (HRV) per una Diagnostica Predittiva, Preventiva, e Personalizzata delle Patologie Complesse, e delle Neuropatie da Prioni in particolare”, CONVEGNO: “Nuova Metodologia per la diagnosi Precoce del Morbo di Jakob-Creutzfeldt che ha come epicentro l’Area Grecanica”, Bova Marina (RC) 11 Dicembre 2019
Agliari, E., Barra, A., Barra, O.A., Fachechi, A., Franceschi Vento, L., Moretti, L. Detecting cardiac pathologies via machine learning on heart-rate variability time series and related markers, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE RESARCH JOURNAL, Nature Publishing Group) 10, 8845 (2020). link:, DOI:
Agliari E., Alemanno F., Barra A., Barra O.A., Fachechi A., Franceschi Vento L., Moretti L., “Analysis of temporal correlation in heart rate variability through maximum entropy principle in a minimal pairwise glassy model”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE RESEARCH JOURNAL, Nature Publishing Group) 10, 15353 (2020). link:, DOI:
Barra O.A., “The amazing role of the Shannon Entropy in predicting and detecting Atrial Fibrillation, to be submitted (Definizione Provvisoria)
Barra O.A., “The Heart Rate Variability in the Last Hours of Life”, to be submitted (Rivista da Definire)
Barra O.A., Blundo C., Mammì C., “The HRV (Heart Rate variability) predictive role in the early diagnosis of Prion Neuropathies”, to be submitted (rivista da definire)
Barra O.A. e Blundo C., et al. “NEUROPSICOPATOLOGIA E NEUROPSICOTERAPIA - SEZIONE: Preventive Predictive Personalized Medicine: Fondamenti Scientifici e Risvolti in Neuro-Psichiatria” , LIBRO, in corso di stesura (Titolo Provvisorio)