Prof. Orazio Antonio BARRA

Professor of Physics
University of Calabria (UNICAL)- Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm)

Rector Emeritus of International Polytechnic "Scientia et Ars"

VIP Code WO236912 Marquis Who's Who in the World

Mailing address: Via Quintino Sella 20 – 00187 ROMA

Telephone numbers: +39.06.4745008 ; +39.335.224838



In compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize the treatment of my personal data.

At the end of the curriculum vitae, the scientific activities and main publications related to the field of “Life Sciences” are listed.










Place and date of birth

Salerno, august 19, 1948




Via Piave, 14 - 00187 Roma


Professor of Physics at Calabria University - Department of Environmental Engineering (DIAm), Arcavacata di Rende (CS) Italy

Rector Emeritus of International Polytechnic "Scientia et Ars" since 2003, Feroleto Antico (CZ)

Former Professor on Energetics, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton (UK)


Professor on Energia Y Medio Ambiente, Universidad JAE, La Habana (Cuba)

Company offices

Via Quintino Sella, 20 - 00187 Roma


06 4745008


06 4870560


Physics, University of Rome, December 22, 1972

Subject of the thesis

Measurement of the Shape Factor by means of electrosynchrotron processes e+ e– ? p+ p- (High Energy Elementary Particle Physics)


Prof. Marcello CONVERSI, Prof. Luciano PAOLUZI

Languages known

Italian, English (good), French and Spanish (suff.)

Computer Languages known

Fortran, Assembler, Basic, Cobol, etc.

Military service

Technical chemical physical biological service-Complement Officer April 1973/July 1974


Assistant Professor of General Physics at the University of Calabria, Physics Department, from 1975 to 1976

From 1976 to 2013 Professor of General Physics and of Energetics at the University of Calabria, Physics Department

From 2013 Professor of Physics of Fundamental Interactions II at the University of Calabria, DIATIC, Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering

From 1979 Professor of the Post-Graduate International School on Solar Energy and Other Renewable Energy Sources, organized by SIES International School, held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1981 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation" at the International School mentioned above

From 1981 "Invited Lecturer" of "Fluid dynamic of Energy Systems" at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics of Bruxelles

In 1982 Director of the Courses "Small Scale Power Generation" and "Local Energy Planning" at the International School mentioned above

In 1983 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation" at the International School mentioned above

In 1984 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation", organized by S.I.E.S., held in SOGESTA E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1984 Director of the Advanced School "Energy Planning and System Analysis", supported by the European Economic Community, for University Professors of The Popular Republic of CHINA

In 1984 Director of the Superior International Long Term School - eight months in english language: "Renewable Energy Sources Engineering", supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for english speaking engineers and researchers, held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1984-1985 Director of the Superior Long Term International School - six months in french language: "Ecole Superieure sur l'Exploitation des Sources d'Energie Nouvelles et Renouvables", supported by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs for french speaking engineers and researchers, held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1985 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation", organized by S.I.E.S., held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1985 Director of the Superior Long Term International School - six months in Spanish Language: "Ingenieria des fuentes de energie", supported by the Ita¬lian Ministry for Foreign Affairs for spanish speaking engineers and researchers, held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1985 Invited Lecturer on "Heat and Mass Transfer of Solar Systems" at CISM, International Center of Mechanical Studies, Udine, Italy

In 1986 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation", organized by SIES, held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1986 and 1987 Director of three Courses to qualify Graduates on "Energy Management", sponsored by the European Economic Community

In 1987 Director of the Course "Small Scale Power Generation" organized by SIES held in SOGESTA, E.N.I., Urbino, Italy

In 1987 Director of the UNICEF Course "Physics and Engineering of Photovoltaics", for graduate and postgraduate from Uganda, organized by SIES and held in LIFE

In 1987 Director of the Course "Local Energy Planning" at the KETC, Kenyan Energy Training Center Nairobi, Kenya

In 1987 Director of the Course "Local Energy Planning and Environmental Impacts", sponsored by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In 1988 Director of the Course "Solar Energy Systems" held in Nairobi at the Kenyan Energy Training Centre

In 1988 Director of the Course "Energy Aspects in Agriculture" held in Nairobi at the Kenyan Energy Training Centre

In 1988 Director of the Course "Computer Programming" held in Nairobi at the Kenyan Energy Training Centre

In 1988 Director of the Seminar on "Audit, Maintenance and Management of Renewable Energy Systems" sponsored by United Nations, held in Nairobi

In 1988 Director of the Course "Local Energy Planning and Environmental Impacts" sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In 1988 Winner of the "Personality Award" for "Energy and Environment"

In 1989 Director of the "Advanced School on Energy Engineering" sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through SIES, in Rome

In 1989 Director of the Course "Local Energy Planning and Environmental Impacts" sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through SIES, in Rome

In 1990 Director of the Course "Local Energy Planning and Environmental Impacts" sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through SIES, in Rome

From 1995 Director of the "Advanced School on Energy and Environment" in Feroleto Antico (CZ), in which training courses on Energy and Environment at national and international level for post-graduated students are carried out, sponsored by the European Community and the Italian Ministry of Work

From 1996 Director of the Italian-Cuban Scientific Cooperation between the Calabria University and the Politechnic High School "José Antonio Echeverria" in La Habana, Cuba

From 1996 Professor of Energetics at the La Habana University, Cuba

From 1997 Professor of Energetics at the Wessex Institute of Technology (UK)

Scientific Director of the following Courses:

Assistant Professor of General Physics at the University of Calabria, Physics Department, from 1975 to 1976

1997: Course: "Environment and Energy Conservation" held in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Biennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

1997: Course: "Territory Resources and Safeguard" held in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Biennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

1997: Course "Enterprise Management in Energy and Environment Sectors" held in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Biennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

1998/1999: Course: "Technical Management of the Cold Store Foodstuff fed by Renewable Energy Sources in Giuliano di Roma (FR) Municipality" – Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Lazio Region

1998/1999: Course: "Administrative Management of the Cold Store Foodstuff fed by Renewable Energy Sources in Giuliano di Roma (FR) Municipality" – Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Lazio Region

1998/2000: Course: "Environment and Energy Conservation" held in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Triennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

1998/2000: Course: "Territory Resources and Safeguard" held hald in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Triennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

1998/2000: Course: "Enterprise Management in Energy and Environment Sectors" held in Lamezia Terme (CZ) – Triennal Project sponsored by the European Community and by the Italian Ministry of Labour

2000/2001: Post-graduate Course "Master of Philosophy" named «WEB Management, Communication and Marketing», held in Feroleto Antico (CZ) – Annual project sponsored by the European Community and by the Calabria Region and carried out in cooperation with English Universities

2000/2001: Post-graduate Course "Master of Philosophy" named «S.C.A.T. (Science, Communication, Art, & Technology): Scientific Methodologies for the Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorisation», held in Feroleto Antico (CZ) - Annual project sponsered by the Italian Ministry of University and Technologican Scientific Research and carried out in cooperation with English Universities

2000/2001: Courseaccreditated to achieve the Communication Science Degree named "Bachelor of Science on Design of Visual Communication", held in Feroleto Antico (CZ) – Annual project sponsodere by the Calabria Region

2001/2002: Course accreditated to achieve the Energy and Enviroment Engineering Degree named "Bachelor of Science on New Technologies for the Optimised Exploitation of Energy Resources", held in Latina – Annual project sponsodere by the Lazio Region

2001/2002: Course accreditated to achieve the Energy and Enviroment Engineering Degree named "Bachelor of Science on Monitoring, Planning and Environment Management", held in Latina – Annual project sponsodere by the Lazio Region

2002: Course accreditated to achieve the Energy and Enviroment Engineering Degree named "Technician Expert on Quality, Safety and Environmental Impact", held in Cetraro (CS) – Annual project sponsodere by the Calabria Region

2002: Course accreditated to achieve the Energy and Enviroment Engineering Degree named "Technician for Environment Valorisation and Management and its Resources", held in Filadelfia (CZ) – Annual project sponsodere by the Calabria Region

2002: MASTER for 22 University Degreed students (+ 4) denominated "A.FOR-IFA, «Environment Physical-Chemical-Biological Pollution"» PON 2000-2006 (Partners University "La Sapienza" Rome & Unical Calabria

2003: Professional Course "Technical Expert on Security (15 editions) within POR Calabria 2000-206 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for new employees of the 'Consorzio delle Aree Ind. del Comprensorio di Lamezia Terme'

2003: Professionale Course "Technical Expert on Multimedial Languages and Technologies" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Società Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari SpA'

2003: Professional Course "Manager on Foreing Commerce and International Marketing" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Società Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari SpA'

2003: Professional Course "Technical Expert of Food Conservation Processes" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Società Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari SpA'

2003: Professional Course "Technical Expert on Hydrological Resources" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Consorzi di Bonifica Raggruppati Catanzaro e Crotone'

2003: Professional Course "Informatic Archivist" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Comune di Martirano Lombardo (CZ)'

2003: Professional Course "Informatic Archivist" within POR Calabria 2000-206 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the contionuos training of the employes of the Comune di Feroleto Antico (CZ)

2003: Professional Course "Solar Panels Installator" within POR Calabria 2000-2006 – Multimeasure Tender for Human Resources Training for the continuous training of the employees of the 'Villaggio Residence Baia del Sole di Ricadi (VV)'

2003/2004: Post-graduate Course (MASTER) for 22 participants + 4 uditors "A-FOR PIBE high level didactic Programme for graduated participants to be employed in the Research Centre of the Bioreflues and Energy Integrated Platform (PIBE) to be carried out together with "La Sapienza" University of Rome and the Calabria University. The project is cofinanced by MIUR DM 593 of 08/08/2000 art. 12

2005/2006: Course accreditated to achieve the Engineering Degree named "Expert for Environment Valorisation and Management and its Resources", held in Filadelfia (CZ) – Annual project sponsored by the Calabria Region

2005/2006: Undergraduate course for 14 participants + 5 uditors "Senior Technician for Communication & Multimedia". "La Sapienza University of Rome will grant 20 credits for the participants who will register to the Bsc in Engineering at the same University and 60 credits for the participants who will register for the Bsc in Music, Show Business, Science and Sound Technologies at the International Polytechnic "Scientia at Ars" of Vibo Valentia; the course is carried out within the High Level Integrated Training (IFTS) in the Calabria Region sponsored by the Ministry of Education and funded by the Calabria Region itself.


Author of 8 books, 80 volumes for Specialised and Updated Courses, 5 Patents and about 100 Scientific Publications on International Scientific Reviews or presented at International and National Scientific Conferences


Since 1976 Member of the Physics Italian Society

Member of the International Solar Energy Society

Member of COMPLES, Cooperation Mediterranee pour l'Energie Solaire

In 1980 "Appointed Expert" for Italy at the EEC for Solar Passive Systems

Since 1981 Member of the Scientific Committee of the "International Bioclimatic Design Society"

Since 1981 Scientific Consultant to RAI, Italian Broadcasting Television Company for Energy and Environment, and in particular for the programmes "Which Energy" and "Energy and Territory"

From 1981 to 1983 Scientific Consultant to AGIP NUCLEARE SpA

Since 1982 Scientific Consultant to PRAGMA SpA

Since 1982 Scientific Consultant to the Angolan Ministry of Energy for projects related to the exploitation of New and Renewable Energy Sources

Since 1982 "Appointed Expert" of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (HABITAT), Nairobi

In 1982 Member of the EEC Technical Commission for the "2nd European Solar Passive Competition", Londra

Since 1982 Member of the Scientific Committee of SIES, International School on Solar Energy and Other Renewable Energy Sources

Since 1982 Member of the Permanent Energy Committee of the Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry. In this role he actively contributed to the setting up of the national energy policy and national energy laws (such as law 308/82 and law 10/91) for the incentivation of energy saving, cogeneration and other energy and environment conservation initiatives

Since 1982 Managing Director of LIFE Ltd, Laboratories for Information Food and Energy (in 1996 he was appointed President), Via Quintino Sella, 20 - 00187 Rome, and in this role responsible for all the projects implemented and described in the profile of LIFE itself

Since 1983 Scientific Consultant to WIMPEY LABORATORIES Ltd, London, U.K.

Since 1983 Scientific Consultant to FEDERCONSORZI

In 1983 Italian Representative at the UNESCO for the "Solar Drying" Sector

Since 1983 present in the "Who's Who" in the Energy Sector

Since 1986 Scientific Consultant for Energy Conservation strategies of the CAMELI PETROLI (Oil Group)

Since 1987 Scientific Consultant for the Energy Sector of the FIAT Group

Since 1987 Scientific Consultant for the Energy Sector of the LANCIA Group

Since 1987 Scientific Consultant of AGIP SpA

Since 1987 Scientific Consultant of AGIP PETROLI SpA

Since 1987 Member of the "SECTEUR EXPERTS" of CEC DGIX in Bruxelles with the nr. E16838

Since 1988 Scientific Consultant to the United Nations Agency UNTFNRES (United Nations Trust Fund for New and Renewable Energy Sources)

Since 1989 Scientific Consultant for Energy and Environment of the Indian Government

Since 1989 Scientific Consultant for Energy and Environment of the EEC-Brazil Cooperation

Since 1989 Managing Director of the Italian no-profit Association "EDENET - Energy Development Environment Network: Advanced School on Energy and Environment" - technical and scientific association for energy and environment, and Director of the Courses held by the School

Since 1990 Scientific Consultant for the CEE-South Corea Energy Cooperation

Since 1990 Scientific Consultant for the CEE-Thailand Energy Cooperation

Since 1990 Italian Delegate to the Committee ISO/TC 197 "Hydrogen Energy Technology"

Since 1990 Scientific Consultant of ANSALDO-ITALSOLAR Group

Since 1990 Member of the SHORT LIST OF EXPERTS of the CEC-DG XVII (Directorate General for Energy)

Since 1991 Managing Director and Vice President of EUROWATT, an external activity industrial Consortium with public shares, Via Marino Ghetaldi 64 - 00143 Roma

Since 1992 Member of the Technical-Administrative Committee for Civil Works of the Calabria Region

Since 1993 Scientific Consultant of ENISUD SpA

Since 1994 Consultant of CANADA NORTHWEST for Energy and Environment in Cuba Republic

Since 1994 Managing Director of Società Elettrica Livorno (S.E.L.) Ltd (today named Società Elettrica Calabrese (S.E.CAL.) Ltd

Since 1995 Personal Consultant of the President of "Region Calabria" for Energy and Environment

Since 1997 President of LIFE CARIBE, Italian-Canadian-Cuban Joint Venture for the technological development of Caribbean area

Since February 2002 Managing Director of the mixed public-private Company PIBE – Integrated Platform Biowastes & Energy

Since September 2002 registered in the new "Roll of Experts" of the Italian Ministry of University and Technologican Scientific Research

Since July 2003 Rector of the International Polytechnic "Scientia et Ars" of Vibo Valentia.


From 1971 to 1973 researcher at the Frascati National Laboratories of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, in the Muon-Pion Group working on the ADONE electrosynchrotron

From 1974 to 1977 researcher at the University of Calabria Interdepartmental Centre for Research and Application on Solar Energy; main interests: optics, electrooptics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, helioclimatology

From 1978 to 1980 researcher in the C.N.R. (National Council of Researches) Contract 7802-43807; main interests: fluid dynamics in fluids driven by sthocastic energy sources

From 1979 to 1980 Director of a Project to build an Experimental Solar Linear Biaxial Parabolic Concentrator Plant for Heat Process Production at the Birra Peroni Industries in Naples; the industrial partner in the plant implementation was ANSALDO A.M.N. Industries, Genoa, Italy

In 1979 researcher in the Group "Physics and Technology" of the University of Calabria; main interests: liquid crystals, X-ray Fluorescence Techniques

From 1980 to 1982 Director of the Research "Thermophotoelectric properties of Thin Films at high temperatures and in optical furnaces" supported by the Italian C.N.R. contract nr. 790206311

Since 1981 Scientific Responsible for theBioclimatic Design of the following Bioclimatic Buildings built throughout the world with the "Barra" Solar Passive System:

  • 1 prototype building in Salisano (Rieti)
  • 1 school in Castrovillari (Cosenza)
  • 1 office building in Catania
  • 40 dwellings in Marostica (Vicenza)
  • 12 dwellings in Cosenza
  • 6 Houses in England
  • 1 residential centre and offices in Egypt
  • 5 rural projects in Argentina
  • 1 demonstrative project in Romania

Since 1981 Scientific Responsible of many Technic-Scientific and Economic "Feasibility Studies and Design" in the Energy and Environment Sectors, among others those carried out for the following public and private institutions:

  • SO.GE.CO SpA
  • AGIP SpA
  • EPIA
  • ENEL

Since 1981 Scientific Responsible of many R&D Demonstrative Projects in the Energy and Environment Sectors applied to Agriculture, among others:

  • thermoventilation of pig sties with the Barra System
    - site: Vallese (Verona) - funds: E.E.C
  • poultry waste treatment and its reuse
    - site: Longiano (Forlì) - funds: Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • olive oil cycle waste treatment
    - site: Viterbo - funds: Private
  • bioclimatic passive greenhouses
    - site: Palombara Sabina (Roma) - funds: EEC
    - site: Egypt - funds: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    - site: London (UK) - funds: EEC
  • pigs and cows waste treatment
    - site: Verona - funds: Private
  • woodlands fires distance control
    - site: Gargano - funds: EEC

Since 1981 Scientific Responsible of many R&D Projects in the Environment Sector, for Residential or Industrial Applications, among others :

  • Urban Solid Waste Treatment of Cairo
    - site: Cairo (Egypt) - funds: United Nations
  • Urban Solid Waste Treatment of Luanda
    - site: Luanda (Angola) - funds: Angolan Government
  • Urban Solid Waste Treatment of Verona
    - site: Verona - funds: Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Urban Solid Waste Treatment of Mountain Communities
    - site: Soveria M. (Catanzaro) - funds: E.E.C.
  • Urban Waste Dumps and Land Reclamation
    - site: Ronco (Verona) - funds: Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Metals and Plastics Materials recycling
    - site: Cesena - funds: Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Food Industry Waste Control
    - site: Massalombarda - funds: Private
  • Oil Industry Waste Control
    - site: Mantova - funds: Italian Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Energy Audit and Optimization in 300 Small and Medium Industries
    - site: Sicilia Region - funds: CEE

Since 1981 Scientific Responsible of many R&D Project in the Electronic and Informatic Sectors, among others:

  • electronic automation of Municipality services
    - site: Rossano (Cosenza) - funds: Rossano Municipality
  • computer code "MSHVE" set up for buildings thermokinetic simulation
    - site: University - funds: CNR and EEC
  • computer code "HELIOCLIMAX" set up for the monthly and daily solar radiation simulation
    - site: LIFE Ltd, Roma - funds: ENI
  • Implementation of a large size Solar Simulator in a climatic chamber for photovoltaic systems sperimentation
    - site: ITALSOLAR SpA - funds: ITALSOLAR SpA
  • set up of various didactic computer codes in the energy and environment sectors
    - site: LIFE Ltd, Roma - funds: SIES, M.F.A. and others

In 1982 author of the EIRES project and Scientific Director of the project itself. EIRES is a 25 Millions US$ world demonstrative project, to build an energy and food selfsufficient village in East Oweinat (Sahara Desert, Egypt)

  • Funds: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Egyptian Government

Since 1983 today Scientific Responsible or Consultant for the Construction of the following Electric Power Plant from Renewable Energy Sources or from

  1. 2 MW from marginal gas well, Ferrandina (Matera)
  2. 2 x 10 MW from refinery wastes, Livorno
  3. 2 x 2 MW for refinery wastes, ICIP, Mantova
  4. 20 MW from tail-gas, ENICHEM/DEGUSSA, Ravenna
  5. Cogeneration and Urban District Heating Network, Mantova
  6. Cogeneration and Urban Distric Heating Network, Livorno
  7. Photovoltaic Power Plant, Giuliano di Roma (Frosinone)
  8. Photovoltaic Power Plant, Vasto (Chieti)
  9. Photovoltaic Power Plant, Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro)
  10. Photovoltaic Power Plant, Carloforte (Cagliari)
  11. 25 MW from refinery gas, AGIP Oil Centre, Trecate (Novara)
  12. Many small and medium plants for industrial energy recovery
  13. 4 MW from marginal gas well, Jesi (Ancona)
  14. Photovoltaic Power Plant, El-Fasher (Sudan)
  15. Mobile Photovoltaic Power Plants, El-Salvador
  16. 13 Photovoltaic Power Plants for Woodlands Fires Distance Control, Gargano

Scientific Director of the Industrial Research in the following initiatives:

  • 2000/2001: Implementation of a 30 kWp Photovoltaic Power Plant in Feroleto Antico
  • 2001: Project "SAHARA – A Task Force for the Creation of a Consortium to set up a SoG-Si Production Plant" (ALTENER Programme) sponsored by the Euroepan Community –DG Energy The project has involved the following international structures: LIFE (Italy) – Coordinator; DEUTSCHE SOLAR (Germany), SCATEC (Norway), TRANSENERGIE (France), Energy Research Centre of The Netherlands – ECN (The Netherlands), EC Joint Research Centre - Environment Institute (Italy) – Co-Contractor
  • 2001: Implement of an Innovative integrated Platform, in the Vibo Valentia Province (Southern Italy) denominated "PIBE" for the disposal of agro-zootechnical-industrial biowastes and for electricity production.
  • 2005 A CO2 low emission cogeneration plant for the centralised energy production and its distribution to local SMEs located in the Industrial Area of Porto Salvo (VV) – Project sponsored by the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development within PON "Local Development – PIA Networking Tender"

Scientific Director of the Applied Research in the following initiatives:

  • 1997/1999: Research activity named: "Photovoltaics: Why, Where and When? Present and Likely Future Bottlenecks Analysis for a Sustainable Policy" (ALTENER Programme) sponsored by the Euroepan Community – DG Energy. The project has involved the following structures: : LIFE (Italy) - Main Contractor e BAYER (Germany) – Co-Contractor
  • 1998/2000: Research activity named: "The coast resource in Calabria: Recovery, Preservation and Compatible Industrial Development" sponsored by the Calabria Region
  • 2000: Research activity named: "Mapping of Environmental Risks: Modeling, Validation and Case Studies" sponsored by the Calabria Region
  • 2000: Research activity named: "PV INGRID - Integration of photovoltaic generators into European insular grids with a rational use of energy managed by an European association for the citizens" (5th Framework Prog.) sponsored by the Euroepan Community – DG Research. (Finanziamento Comunità Europea – DG Ricerca). The project has involved the following international structures: Total Energie (France) – Coordinator; Transénergie (France), LIFE (Italy) e CRES (Greece) – Co-contractor
  • 2006: SMART-LIFE: "A gateway for the creation of centralized services implemented on new distributed ICT wireless technologies and finalised to the improvement of the quality of life in its primary sectors". The project is cofinanced by MIUR within the PNR 2005-2007 Large Strategic Programmes having as parterners: LIFE Group, CNR ITB of Milan, CNR ISTI of Pisa, Politecnico Internazionale "Scientia et Ars ofi Vibo Valentia and thePolitecnico of Milan (on going)
  • 2007/2008: Distributed Generation and Liquid Air Cogeneration design for the Porto d'Ascoli Cold Pole. The project, sponsored by the Ascoli Piceno Province within the Regional EU POR, has involved some relevant industrial structures of the Porto D'Ascoli Cold Pole for the research of technical and economical innovative solutions for cool production complying with the environmental regulations

From 2001 Scientific Director of the Research Center «Physical-Chemical-Biological Pollution "(IFA)" of LIFE Group

From 2012 Scientific Director of the Research "MATCH - Mathematical Advanced Tools to Catch Heart Rate Variability" held at the University of Calabria and at the International Polytechnic Scientia et Ars

Director of the following large scale Photovoltaic Projects:

  • OFFICINE ELETTRICHE BALSINI: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 13 MW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Collecorvino (Pescara)
  • OFFICINE ELETTRICHE BALSINI: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of the first 6 MW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Piombino
  • OFFICINE ELETTRICHE BALSINI: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of the second 6 MW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Piombino
  • OFFICINE ELETTRICHE BALSINI: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of the third 6 MW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Piombino
  • AZIENDA INECA Srl: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 200 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Parking in Napoli
  • GIRABILANDIA srl: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 500 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Parking in Napoli
  • TECHNISERVICE srl: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 100 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Greenhouse in Roma
  • COGECAL scrl: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 200 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Vibo Valentia
  • PFIZER ITALIA spa: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 600 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Parking in Ascoli Piceno
  • MONTEBELLI srl : Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 200 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plant in Grosseto
  • ECOENERGY: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of about 200 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Power Plants on behalf of third parties in Ascoli Piceno
  • AGRIPICENA: Project Development, Engineering and Implementation of a 500 kW "Turnkey" Photovoltaic Greenhouse in Teramo


Since 2011 Scientific Director of the Interdisciplinary Group of Medical Physics, finalized to the advanced research named “MATCH: Mathematical Advanced Tools To Catch Heart-Rate-Variability”. Among other partners there are:

• Politecnico Internazionale Scientia et Ars – POLISA (Group leader)

• University of Calabria (UNICAL)

• Ascoli Piceno Hospital

• Campus Biomedico CBM in Rome

• Leuvens Hospital (Belgium)

• Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)

• Salento University

• BOVALIFE Association

• Other private groups (Techniservice, LIFE, ADES et al.)

which has already completed or has the following Research Projects on going:

A. “MATCH” Project: [Mathematical Advanced Tools to Catch Heart Rate Variability (HRV)]: Development of Advanced Mathematical Instruments aimed at the use of Heart Rate Variability for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes – Project value: 500.000 Euro – Private funds and co-financed by POR CALABRIA – FESR 2007/2013 (CCI NO° 2007 IT 161 PO 008) – AXIS I – “SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND INFORMATION SOCIETY” - CUP n. J84E07000400005 – Years 2016-2017

B. "MATCH-PYTHAGORAS 1" Project: Industrial Research and Precompetitive Development aimed at the Definition and Implementation of the “Standard Node” in a European Network for the Measurement, Recording and Continuous Monitoring of population’s HRV and its use – also in conjunction with HRV analysis performed with STI, SE, PSDP and ACC – USING A SAMPLE OF AT LEAST 3500 PEOPLE – both for clinical and diagnostic purposes and for the development of health policies for the optimization of the NHS public resources – Project value: 700.000 Euro – Private funds and co-financed by POR-CALABRIA - CUP: J48C17000250006 - Approved by the Calabria Region Within POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020, AXIS 1 –“SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND INFORMATION SOCIETY” - CUP n. J84E07000400005 – Years 2017-2018

C. "MATCH-PYTHAGORAS 2" Project: Extension and prosecution of the PYTHAGORAS 1 Project, expanded to a large and almost complete spectrum of the diagnosable diseases in a Predictive, Preventive and Personalized way with the HRV Methodology owned by POLISA and the implementation of a Network of Nodes (MATCH Network) open to the public in health aids, both for diagnostic purposes in a PPPM Medicine’s logic and for the development of health policies for the optimization of the NHS public resources – Expected Project Value: 2.000.000 Euro – Private funds and co-financed by POR CALABRIA, MIUR, EC: BEING PROPOSED AT PRESENT – YEARS 2020-2021


  • "Hadron Pair Production by e+ e- collisions", Lettere al Nuovo Cimento
  • 1975
  • "Small Semiautomatic Solar Modulus for Domestic Uses in Agricultural Economies", International College on Applied Physics, 2nd Course on Solar Energy Conversion, p. 252, Nerano, Napoli (Italy)
  • "Efficiency Tests on a Linear Parabolic Concentrator for Medium and High Temperatures", Heliotechnique and Development, vol. 2, p. 53, edited by Development Analysis Associates Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (USA) and Proceedings of the COMPLES International Conference, Dhahran (Saudi Arabia)
  • "Efficiency Tests on a Prototype of Linear Parabolic Concentrator for the Conversion of Solar Energy into Heat at Medium and High Temperatures", CIRAES Progress Report 1, University of Calabria, Cosenza (Italy)
  • 1976
  • "Efficiency Tests on a Diathermic Oil Flowing through a Linear Boiler on the Axis of a Cylindrical Parabolic Concentrator", Proceedings of the Conference on the Physics of Solar Energy, held in Benghazi (Lybia) and published by the Arab Development Institute, Tripoli (Lybia)
  • "Computer Simulation of the Performances of a Solar Power Plant of Linear Parabolic Concentrators with a Tracking System at Different Latitudes", Proceedings of the Conference on the Physics of Solar Energy, held in Benghazi (Lybia)
  • "Simulazione delle Prestazioni di una Centrale Solare a Collettori Parabolici Uniassici dotati di Sistema di Orientamento ad un Grado di Libertà", Rassegna Italiana di Eliotecnica, Sept., p. 39
  • "FISICA", book edited by Bulzoni, Roma
  • "Parabolic Solar Troughs for the Conversion of Solar Energy into Heat at Medium and High Temperatures", Italian Patent 49201 A/76, released by the Italian Ministry of Industry on April 26
  • "Shadows' Effects in a Solar Power Plant" Bulletin of the Italian Physics Society, p. 109
  • 1977
  • "Shadows' Effect in a Large Scale Solar Power Plant", Solar Energy, vol. 19, p. 759
  • 1978
  • "Thermal Regimes in a Primary Fluid Heated by Solar Energy in a Linear Collector", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 167
  • Transient Temperature Variations in the Primary Network of a Solar Power Plant", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 185
  • "Coating Thickness Measurements by means of the Radioisotope X ray Fluorescence Technique", Isotopenpraxis, vol. 14., p. 382
  • "Preliminary Results on a New Simple Method for Solar Radiation Measurements", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 1C, p. 207
  • "Steady Flow Analysis of the Hydraulic Network in a Solar Power Plant", Proceedings of the 2nd Solar Forum, held in Hamburg, Germany and published by Technologie Transfer Systeme Dokumentation, Munchen (Germany)
  • "A Possible Solar Radiometer with Small Time Constant and High Accuracy", Proceedings of the «Colloque Internationale sur les Energies Nouvelles», Rabat (Maroc)
  • "L'Energia Solare", Sapere, Sept., p. 9
  • 1979
  • "A Theoretical Study for Laminar Free Convection in 1-D Solar Induced Flows", Solar Energy, vol. 23, p. 211
  • "Un Sisteme Solaire a Capteurs Plans pour Pompage d'Eau", Revue Generale de Thermique, Dec., n. 216, p. 779
  • "Solar Linear Parabolic Concentrating Systems: Thermal, Optical and Hydrodynamical Aspects", Invited Paper, Segundo Simposio Internacional de Ingenieria: Tecnologia Appropriada para Paises Subdesarrollados, published by Universidad Centro Americana Editores, San Salvador (El Salvador)
  • "A Prototype of Solar Linear Concentrator Plant Installed to Supply Industrial Heat", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Silver Jubilee Congress, held in Atlanta, Georgia, and edited by Pergamon Press, Dublin (Ireland), vol. 2, p. 1046
  • "Numerical Simulation of Fluid Velocity and Temperature in a Solar Passive Collector", Proceedings of the XVIII International Association for Hydraulic Research Conference, Cagliari (Italy), vol. 3, p. 183
  • "A modulus of Solar Parabolic Trough for Industrial Process Heat: Preliminary Results", Proceedings of the «XVIII Rencontre Internationale de la COMPLES», Milan, Italy, vol. 3, p. 243, (published by Sviluppo, Cosenza, Italy, in 1980)
  • "Per una Transizione al Solare", Acqua e Aria, june, p. 391
  • "Un Prototipo a Parametri Modulabili di Sistema Passivo per la Climatizzazione Solare di Ambienti", La Termotecnica, vol. XXXIII, 8, p. 456
  • "La Biomassa ed i Processi Microbiologici come Anello di Trasformazione della Radiazione Solare", Sviluppo, Dec., p. 79
  • 1980
  • "Molecular Properties and Elasticity of S A Phases", Journal de Physique, vol. 41, p. 365
  • "A Model of Turbulent Solar Induced Flows in Passive Air Collectors", Report 1980/3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St. Genese (Belgium)
  • "Advanced Solar Collectors", Plenary Lecture in «Heat Exchange and Solar Energy», Lecture Series 1980/3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St. Genese (Belgium), VKI ed., Lecture Series 1980-3
  • A Natural Convection Solar House System", Plenary Lecture on «Heat Exchange and Solar Energy», Lecturee Series 1980/3, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St. Genese (Belgium), VKI ed.
  • "Calcolo delle Efficienze di Collettori Lineari nella Conversione Termica della Radiazione Solare", Energie Alternative: Habitat, Territorio, Energia, Mar., 4, p. 146
  • "Natural Convection Solar Passive System", Italian Patent 48167 A/80, released by the Italian Ministry of Industry on Mar. 14
  • "Simulations and Experimental Performance of the Barra Costantini Solar Passive System", Proceedings of the Solar Energy Symposium: Experimental Research with Passive Solar Houses, Nice (France), Dec. 11-12
  • 1981
  • "The Barra Costantini Solar Passive System: Experimental Performance", Proceedings of the Building Energy Management International Congress, edited by Pergamon Press, Dublin (Ireland)
  • "Solar Passive Buildings already Existing or to be Built in the Italian Area with the Barra Costantini System", Invited Paper, at the 1st International Seminar on Bioclimatic Design, Catania (Italy), Feb. 25-28
  • "Two General Remarks on the Whole BC System Design Tools", Invited Paper, 1st International Seminar on Bioclimatic Design, Catania (Italy), Feb. 25-28 38. "Experimental Results and Computer Models of a New Natural Convection Solar Passive System Prototype", Invited Paper at the 1st International Seminar on Bioclimatic Design, Catania, Italy, Feb. 25-28
  • "Experimental Results and Computer Models of a New Natural Convection Solar Passive System Prototype", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Congress, Istanbul (Turkey), May 4-8
  • "Sistema Integrato Barra Costantini per la Climatizzazione di Ambienti mediante Energia Solare", Condizionamento dell'Aria, Riscaldamento, Refrigerazione, Jan., p. 49
  • "La conversione fototermica dell'Energia Solare", book edited by ETAS Libri, Milan (Italy)
  • "Small Scale Power Generation", Vol. I, book edited by SIES (International School on Solar Energy and Other Renewable Energy Sources), SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • 1982
  • "The Parabolic Trough Using Black Body Receivers: Experimental and Theoretical Analyses", Solar Energy, vol. 28, 2, p. 163
  • "The Barra Costantini Solar Passive System: Description and Experimental Performances", Soft Energy Notes, Feb.
  • "The Barra Costantini Passive System: Experimental Results and Design Tools", ISES Solar World Forum, Brighton, England, published by Perga¬mon Press Dublin (Ireland), 1982
  • "A simple Insolation Model for the Italian Climatic Area", Solar Energy, vol. 31, p. 427-428
  • "Daily Insolation Frequencies and Typical Time Correlation in the Italian Climatic Area", il Nuovo Cimento
  • "A New Natural Convection Solar Passive System: Experimental Performances and Peculiar Mathematical Expressions", Energy and Buildings
  • "Numerical Modelization of the Thermal and Hydraulic behaviour of the Pipe Network in Solar Power Plant", La Houille Blanche
  • "Solar Concentrators Sun tracking by Density Variations", il Nuovo Cimento
  • "Small Scale Power Generation", Vol. II, book edited by SIES, SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino
  • 1983
  • "Small Scale Power Generation", Vol. III, book edited by SIES, SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • "A Model of Turbulent Solar Induced Flows in Passive Air Collectors", Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 73B, p. 1-14
  • 1984
  • "Large Development Projects: The Egyptian Italian Renewable Energy Settlement. A Working Example", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy for Rural and Island Communities', published by Pergamon Press, Dublin (Ireland), 1984
  • "Perfezionamenti nelle Serre", Italian Patent 48593 A/84, released by the Ministry of Industry on July
  • "Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources", 11 volumes of Lecture Notes, edited by MAE, SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • "Energie, Architecture et Batiments", Lecture Notes, Book in French edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • "Energie, Agriculture et Biomasses", Lecture Notes, Book in French edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • "Matieres de Base I et II pour l'Expolitation des Sources d'Energie Nouvelles et Renouvelables", 2 volumes of Lecture Notes in French, edited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SOGESTA, ENI, Urbino (Italy)
  • 1985
  • "Bioclimatic Solar Passive Greenhouses", English Patent 8525292, U.K. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Oct. 10
  • "The Barra Thermosyphon Air System: Residential and Agricultural Applications both in Italy and in the U.K.", Workshop Proceedings «Solar Energy and Building Design», UK ISES, Birmingham (U.K.), Apr.
  • "The Barra Thermosyphon Air System: Residential and Agricultural Applications in Italy, in the U.K. and in the Sahara Desert", «7th International Clean Energy Sources», Miami, U.S.A., Dec., Proceedings PERGAMON PRESS
  • "Large Development Projects: The Egyptian-Italian Renewable Energy Settlement (EIRES)", «7th Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources», Miami (USA), Dec., Proceedings PERGAMON PRESS
  • 1986
  • "The Daily Solar Radiation in the Whole Mediterranean Area", Proceedings of the «24th COMPLES International Conference», Verona (Italy), Sept.
  • "Solar Assisted Pig Sty Passive Thermoventilation: an On Going Project in Verona Supported by EEC", Proceedings of the «24th COMPLES International Conference», Verona (Italy), Sept.
  • The Barra Passive TAP System: Applications both for Heating and Cooling Purposes", Proceedings of the «24th COMPLES International Conference, Verona» (Italy), Sept.
  • 1988
  • "A new large Size Helio-Climatic Simulator for Computer Assisted long term Monitoring of PV arrays and Modules", Proceedings of the «8th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition», Firenze (Italy)
  • 1989
  • "A passive thermo-photovoltaic hybrid system for climatic control and electrification of isolated buildings", Proceedings of the «1st Symposium Brazil-CEC on Solar Energy Technologies», Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil)
  • 1993
  • "A District Cooling System Based on Absorption Technology in a Refinery"
  • "Desing and Construction of a Cooling Plant Based on an Absorption Machine Fed with Superheated Water Produced by a Polyfuel Boiler"
  • "IGCC (Integrated Gassification Power Plants) from Heavy Oil, TAR, Coal and Biomass: A comparation Analysis"
  • 1995
  • "Photovoltaics: Current Status of the Technology Industry and Market, and a Strategy for European Industrial and Market Development to the Year 2005"
  • 1996
  • "Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant fed by the Varadero Oil in Cuba"
  • "«BRAIN» technology for telemonitoring of systems, plants and environment, energy and geoterritorial networks"
  • 1997
  • "Photovoltaics: Why, Where and When? Present and Likely Future Bottlenecks Analysis for a Sustainable Policy"
  • 1998
  • "The coast resource in Calabria: Recovery, Preservation and Compatible Industrial Development"
  • 1999
  • "Mapping of Environmental Risks: Modeling, Validation and Case Studies"
  • 2000
  • "Radon, an Urgent Environmental Problem: Fundamentals and Perspectives for Research and Engineering Activities", Wessex Institute of Technology Press, UK
  • "SAHARA – A Task Force for the Creation of a Consortium to set up a SoG-Si Production Plant"
  • "Sviluppo e Validazione di Modelli Fisico-Matematici per la Determinazione del Condensato di Fumo di Sigarette"
  • 2001-2012
  • "Radon concentration in Central-Southern Italy buildings: large size experimental campaigns & correlation modelling", Proceedings of the Environmental Health Risk 2001 Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • "Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) as a Remediation for EHR Reduction", Proceedings of the Environmental Health Risk 2001 Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • "PIBE - Integrated Platform Biowastes & Energy - for the disposal of agro-zootechnical-industrial biowastes and for electricity production
  • "Easy Wireless" Allow seamless roaming between wireless networks while maintaining Quality of Service
  • "ELF@SMARTHOME" Easy Life @ Smart Home
  • " MAGELLAN" Multimedia Application Gateways for Enterprice Level LANs
  • 2013
  • Barra O.A. e Moretti L. "The 'Life Potential': a new complex algorithm to assess 'Heart Rate Variability' from Holter records for cognitive and diagnostic aims, ARXIV 1310.7230v2, Nov 6th (2013)

  • Barra O.A., Moretti L. “The ‘Life Potential’: a new complex algorithm to assess ‘Heart Rate Variability’ from Holter records for cognitive and diagnostic aims, ARXIV 1310.7230v2, Nov 6th (2013)
  • Barra O.A., Giordano G. “Effects of some Class IC antiarrhythmic drugs on the human heart rate variability (HRV): a new original methodology to evaluate effectiveness and contraindications of a biochemical compound on the human health. Preliminary Results, MOJ BIO-ORGANIC AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2018; 2(2):104?110.
  • Barra O.A., Moretti L. “HEART RATE VARIABILITY: Mathematical-Physicist’s point of view” – AIAC ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Italian Arrhythmology and Cardiology Association), MARCHE REGION: “Novelties on Great Arrhythmology themes”, Ascoli Piceno, October 14, 2017
  • Barra O.A. “HRV Methodology for Early Diagnosis of Complex Encephalopathies”, Order of Surgeons and Odontologists of Reggio Calabria: “Prion Diseases”, Reggio Calabria, October 19, 2019
  • Barra O.A. “Heart Rate Variability (HRV) for a Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Diagnosis of Complex Diseases, and Prion Diseases in particular”, CONFERENCE: “New methodology for the Early Diagnosis of Jakob-Creutzfeldt Disease, mainly centered in the Greek Area”, Bova Marina (RC), December 11, 2019
  • 2020
  • Agliari, E., Barra, A., Barra, O.A., Fachechi, A., Franceschi Vento, L., Moretti, L. Detecting cardiac pathologies via machine learning on heart-rate variability time series and related markers, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE RESARCH JOURNAL, Nature Publishing Group) 10, 8845 (2020). link:, DOI:
  • Agliari E., Alemanno F., Barra A., Barra O.A., Fachechi A., Franceschi Vento L., Moretti L., “Analysis of temporal correlation in heart rate variability through maximum entropy principle in a minimal pairwise glassy model”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE RESEARCH JOURNAL, Nature Publishing Group) 10, 15353 (2020). link:, DOI:
  • Barra O.A., “The amazing role of the Shannon Entropy in predicting and detecting Atrial Fibrillation, to be submitted (Provisional magazine)
  • Barra O.A., “The Heart Rate Variability in the Last Hours of Life”, to be submitted (Provisional magazine)
  • Barra O.A., Blundo C., Mammì C., “The HRV (Heart Rate variability) predictive role in the early diagnosis of Prion Neuropathies”, to be submitted (Provisional magazine)
  • Barra O.A., Blundo C., et al. “NEUROPSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND NEUROPSYCHOTHERAPY – SECTION: Preventive Predictive Personalized Medicine: Scientifical Foundations and Implications on Neuro-Psychiatry”, BOOK, in progress (Provisional title)